Monday, November 12, 2012

MONDAY MORNING MESSAGE FOR The Eternal Body of Christ 11-12-12 ~ Reflect on the sacrifice of Veterans / Pray it forward for all!

Gooood Morninnnng,

                                                Artwork ©Mary Fleeson/Lindisfarne Scriptorium       

The PEACE of prayer and the P's of prayer!

Jesus taught us the best way to pray. 
Read his recipe for prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.
9"This, then, is how you should pray:
   " 'Our Father in heaven,
   hallowed be your name,
 10your kingdom come,
   your will be done
      on earth as it is in heaven.
 11Give us today our daily bread.
 12Forgive us our debts,
      as we also have forgiven our debtors.
 13And lead us not into temptation,
   but deliver us from the evil one.'

The P's of prayer
~ Praise God (acknowledging Him in honour) & thankfulness
~ Purpose surrendering. Asking for God's will, not our own
~ Provision trusting God to take care of us! After all He is worthy and capable
Power Gods dominion is the source of all that is and isnt
~ Pardon forgiveness for others and self. Remedy is at hand.
~ Protection from evil, empowerment over temptations. Securing our blessings.

The prayer itself is a prayer BUT the function of the prayer is to highlight these many aspects of humility and surrender to God, He can and will bring us into divine alignment of what is best. Prayer is a function of conveyance, to transfer our need, as well as an avenue fit for receiving the solution.

HEAVENLY FATHER, all Glory and Honour are Yours, almighty God. Subject before you, we stand in grateful appreciation and thankfulness for Your promises & provision. Lord, as You proceed to work a work, all access is Yours, no resistance nor interference shall be present. Your ultimate best & divinely aligned agenda supersedes all counterfeit substitutes, no matter how they may have appeared, at first. Only Your authentic plan is enforceable & required. All supply, correction & sustenance flows from You, therefore it is imperative, to our welfare that we are always able to receive all that which is needed. Lord, please provide this same realization & empower those who have ever been at odds with us, to their ultimate healing in You. Only those who are hurting...hurt others, so those who have hurt us (are merely reflecting their pain) That pain is not meant to be absorbed by us or worse yet, ignored  (left on the spiritual lawn) it can only be removed by forgiving and then praying forward healing for them. Lord, as we are Your precious & beloved ones, Our requests are secured & assured. Sealed within the impenetrable promises of Your word; the same power that exceeds fathomable thought.. Your guarantees are beyond trustworthy.In the Mighty Name of Jesus, our prayers are  heard, ...resolved and dissolved!

PRAYER IS A DONATION backed  by THE BANK O GOD! ...YOU PETITION for it BUT God reserved the right to ALL OUT ANSWER it! AMEN!
His How's and When's are always Farrrr better than any other!

PRAY  for yourself, for your family, friends, acquaintances, the country, and those who are in positions of power.

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