Gooood Morninnnnng,

(STOP _ WATCH )...dont stop watching..STOP & WATCH!....
I have a stop watch which was handed to me by one of my brothers approximately three years ago. In fact it came on the heels of a life altering event that was also the very same event that sent this backslidden christian woman running back to God. During this terribly traumatic emotional time in my life, My brother just happened to be reading a book on how to Manage Your Time which encourages tracking certain activities & mapping them, hence the stop watch which came into play.
He had handed this timer to me & asked me to shut it when it went off (he had to go and tend to an errand) Well, I tried to shut it but it just wouldn't shut off, somehow the function broke (he went on to use a spare stop watch) and we were never able to get this one to stop; Not only that, it has continued to give off an audible digital beep once each hour ever since the day it was given to me.
Originally, it used to go off at 33 minutes after the hour, which incidentally is the age Jesus was when he died on the cross (that was pointed out to me by a dear friend who was counseling me during this very difficult time). As of yesterday 3-11-11, it was going off at 10 minutes after the hour; I remember because I was speaking of it during a telephone conversation with my friend Krystal, as I was reminding her that everything happens for a reason and that we just need to pay attention. I mentioned this stop watch and how it has transitioned over the years and currently rested on the 10 after mark.
Today is March 12, approximately 2:35 pm, I was watching the news (on channel 26 Fox Live/ cablevision) as I have been watching it closely since the recent event with the massive Tsunami that has affected Japan, Hawaii, California and other costal regions on the Pacific side. The report that I heard mentioned that Japan has moved approximtaely 8 feet, the quakes have set the earth's rotation off course by a few degrees; they added that it is not enough to actually notice...(It was right then my mind wandered back to my stop watch) I thought to myself...hmmm, that's what you think...I wonder if my stop watch is going to go off at 10 minutes after the hour or at 11? <<<I have been keeping a keen eye on this because I believe the Lord has pressed upon me that we are in the last days; He has been hinting to me that we are comin up on the 11th hour)
At 3:11 PM During prayer time for the Whole World...the alarm sounded; I went right away to my cell phone to confirm it (checking the clock) sure as sure can be it now goes off at 11 minutes after the hour. God clearly told me, " Yes we are in the 11th hour". This is no coincidence. I have been watching, listening, studying God's word in concentrated depth for three years now while constantly being reminded every hour that I am awake & around to hear this thing go off that there is a purpose to this. God has been speaking to me & through me; He has used me as a mouthpiece to minister to many, to deliver words of reformation, repentance, rememberance and redemption.
(It has been 1024 days that this timer has sounded, we figured out that is has shifted 2.75 seconds per day over the course of that time frame to transition across that 48 minute difference) bringing the audible tone from 33 to 11 minutes after the hour.) The only thing I can say is this; Time was instuted for Man and Not God, a thousand years is as one day and vice versa. WE ARE TO BE VIGILANT, STAY AWAKE (SPIRITUALLY) AND PAY ATTENTION! My exhortation to all; get really familiar with your Bibles, learn of the prophecies and most importantly ask God for the gift discernment (He promises to increase us in knowledge we need only to ask) 1 Cor 12:10
Heavenly Father as we look about this decaying world that is at unrest between nations, peoples and the elements we see an immediate need for Our Savior to come, we also know that there are many who need to be brought into submission, surrendering their lives to you, Lord Jesus, for the sake of their salvation. Revive us, Oh Lord, that we may attend to your work as swiftly and precisely as needed. Father, I know that you watch over your word to perform it & you have given us this promise that all who come to you seeking knowledge, lovers of truth, shall be given to abundantly. Reveal your truth & light unto this world as you begin to separate the wheat from the tares; bring us into communion with those whom shall be enlightened & spare us from the works of those evil ones whom seek to thwart our mission. In Jesus name may they all be bound, deaf, dumb & blind to the whereabouts of us, your anointed disciples as we face the battleground of the war that was waged against sin and it's poster boy that wicked serpent. Let this day be the day he receives his hardest blow for the wretchedness and evil he has unleashed upon your children. Let this day be the day that he is served his irreversible truth, that he was defeated before he ever began, that his end is fitting of his interference. He is shackled & sentenced, held back from the children of the most high God & set about to collect the spoils of his wretchedness, may it burn forever in his hands the undoing of His existance & the wrath of you Oh Mighty God upon his head forever. Father we thank you for the provision you have made for us through your Son Jesus Christ and we serve you in spirit & truth from wherever we find ourselves on earth or returned to your care. AMEN
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(¸.• ´ (¸.•` ¤ Susan ت smz ™ © ®
1 Corinthians 12:10
10To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
2 PETER 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Rev. 14:6,7 "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters."
Isa. 66:15, 16, 19,20."For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh: and the slain of the Lord shall be many. . . .And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, to Tubal, and Javan, to the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles. And they shall bring all your brethren for an offering unto the Lord out of all nations upon horses, and in chariots, and in litters, and upon mules, and upon swift beasts, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, saith the Lord, as the children of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel into the house of the Lord."
2 Thessalonians 2:1-3
Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as
that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away (apostasy) first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.
Matthew 20:6
And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?
2Pe 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Matthew 20:16
So the last will be first, and the first will be last."
• MATTHEW 20:16 – “So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.”
• PSALM 102:13 – “Thou shall arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come.”
Facebook has instituted some changes, sending groups pages in a tizzy (disabling functionality for some and then mysteriously reinstating) we have organized another page and we are asking all members of the Bodyof Christ to migrate over to the Bible in Unity John 17 page. We will continue to serve messages here through the Body Of Christ (our original page) as long as we can but to be on the safe side we ask that you become a member of this other page also:
the Monday Morning message will also be placed on a stand alone page here on Facebook for you in the event that it fails to make it to your inbox.
please visit both and show your support!
- The end of the Old Testament is 999, iF YOU TAKE the year of your birth (say you are born in 1960) you would be 51 this year, and if you add how old you will be to your birth year you will come up with the number 111.
- In fact anyone born from 1900 to 2011 will always be 111
- if you were born in 1899 then you would be 211 (meaning that the number 11 happens with every generation since Jesus came died and was resurrected)...
- Actually 11 Stops this year! THE EQUATION DOES NOT WORK AFTER 2011
If we ever needed you Lord its now!
||......I WILL SUBMIT TO THE LORD... .||
||......I WILL STUDY MY BIBLE......... ..||
||......I WILL LIVE BY GOD'S WORD ... .||
||......I .-------. LOVE THY NEIGHBOR.. .||
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